Monday, 9 February 2015

The Loopy Doodles Series: Creativity

"I'm not creative," a friend had said. Some classmates and I were in the midst of a school project, and this had happened a few years ago. We had been discussing how else to approach a particular problem in the project. "Sorry, I'm just not that good in these kind of things."

It was merely a claim disguised as an apology that she had put upon herself, and I paid no substantial attention to it. However, further down the road of experiencing relationships and interactions with others, patterns emerged and I began to recognise that more people had begun to say the same thing. "I'm just not creative."

Admittedly, it could be just an excuse for refusing to give a significant contribution, but it was also a confession of a destitute soul. These people were actually underestimating themselves. Being creative is the natural order of life. We are all born creative. You are. Everyone is.

We're never uncreative just because we don't come up with the best ideas. We look at things from different vantage points. We always have ideas to suffice, regardless how intricate or elaborate. The most important thing to realise about creativity though, is that it takes a lot of courage.

This image is an animation. Click to play; image will play in three loops before stopping. Reload page to repeat animation.
Created byThe Happy Candle / Creativity Quote Animation

Don't we ever feel assuring to be in a place of stillness each time we take a familiar path? Don't we just love where we are, where our feet is planted steadily on the ground? But imagine the possibilities if we just took another step forward and think out of our deep, dim box. This isn't about risks. This isn't about being dauntless. It's just about having faith in ourselves.

I decided to commence digging for ideas beyond the boundaries of my comfort zone and explore new ways of this form of expression. It did take a little more audacity to decide on coming up with a new series, to change things a little bit from the usual.

With this, I'd like to introduce a new lettering collection, called The Loopy Doodles Series. It's a monthly series of moving drawings with lettering. They'll mostly be in the form of GIFs, and the drawings + lettering will be shown in an animated loop, just like the one above. I also appreciate the help from my twin for helping me in coming up with its catchy name. I'd love to hear thoughts about this series as well, so improvements can be made and I can learn along the way.

In hindsight, we all have the ability to generate potent innovations. Let's not let fears rob us of the most valuable entity that makes up who we are - our ideas.

Until next time ♥

Lettering by me, Photo by me
Find me on Pinterest for more lettering work.


  1. Can you please post some kind of tutorial on how you do it?
    Because your work is so darn awesome :D
    I see you've added your signature good decision now people will know it's your work :D
    Simply amazing :)

    1. Thank you, Neal. I'll take some time to think if I should post a tutorial. Posting it may make me appear like I know a lot, when in fact, I'm still just learning like everyone else, but I'll think about it. :) And it was you who gave me the advice on adding a signature too, so thank you for that as well. :)

  2. Dian...I think we are all creative in some way... my sisters can draw; I have friends that can sing and others who bake... mine is writing.

    I can certainly get better at other things with practice (as we should) We should continue to learn and give of ourselves....

    very nice post ♡

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Launna. We're definitely creative in our own ways and we can always continue to learn other things too. :)

  3. What a lovely post, Dian! I completely agree with you. The gif quote thing is sooo cute! I'm really looking forward to the new post series.
    Followed! :)

    1. Thank you, Eve. I appreciate your generous comment. :)

    2. Btw your header is so amazing! I absolutely love it. Did you make it yourself? :)

    3. Thank you, Eve. :) Yes, I did, I hand lettered it. You're very kind. :)

  4. This will be totally amazing! I can't wait to see this.
    You're really inspiring. I read all your posts, even if I don't often comment and I just want to say your amazing.

    1. Thank you very much, Kat. I really appreciate you reading all my posts. Thank you for your kind comment. :)

  5. You are just too cool. How do I follow your blog? I want to be able to see your posts!

    1. Hi there, thank you for your interest and your comment, I really appreciate it. There's a heart icon where the social media icons are, and it's a Bloglovin' link, so you may follow from there. Thank you. :)

  6. This is such a nice design! You're so talented!
    Savannah //

  7. This is amazing! I love these beautiful animations. You are creative!

    a little bit of sunshine

    1. Thank you, Noor, that's very kind of you to say. :)

  8. I love your hand lettering technique!! This is fabulous.

  9. This is amazing Dian! I love coming up with idea's, and heaps of people tell me I'm creative but I just choose to use that side of me more instead of pretend it's not there. Love your post

    Gina :)

    1. Thank you, Gina. Yes, we're all creative in our own ways and we should always be aware of that :)

  10. I love your calligraphy! The creativity is different for everyone, we just need to figure it out and let it come out. It couldn't be more true.
    Good luck guys, this animation idea is amazing!
    Noor's Place

    1. Thank you, Noor. I agree with you, and I appreciate your continued support. :)
